St Barnabas, Linslade DATES FOR 2019
Sunday 6th January: The Epiphany.
Sunday 20th January: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service TBC.
Wednesday 6th March: Ash Wednesday
Saturday 2nd March: Jumble Sale
Sunday 10th March: Lent Lunch.
Saturday 23rd March. Milton Keynes Chorale concert.
Saturday 30th March. Leighton Buzzard Festival Singers Concert 7.30pm
Sunday 31st March: Mothering Sunday. BST BEGINS!!
Sunday 14th April: Palm Sunday.
Thursday 18th April: Maundy Thursday
Friday 19th April: Good Friday
Sunday 21st April: Easter Day. ‘Vigil’ Service with New Fire and readings at St Mary’s at 4:30 am. (Sunrise is 5:54 am)
Saturday 18th May: Grand Union Choir concert in Church.
Sunday 26th May: Rogationtide Procession (3 pm) and Evensong at St Mary’s (4:30 pm)
Thursday 30th May: Ascension Day.
30th May – 9th June: Thy Kingdom Come Week of Prayer.
Saturday 8th June: Summer Fair.
Sunday 9th June: Pentecost.
Tuesday 11th June: Patronal Festival Sung Eucharist 8 pm
Sunday 16th June: Trinity Sunday.
Thursday 20th June: Corpus Christi. Sung Eucharist and Benediction at 8 pm.
Saturday 22nd June: Saint Albanstide Festival in St Albans
Sunday 23rd June: Open Church Sunday? Cream Teas at St Mary's
Saturday 17th August: Patronal Festival Sung Eucharist at St Mary’s 12 noon followed by Picnic
Sunday 18th August: Evensong at St Mary’s 6 pm
Saturday 7th September: Beds & Herts Historic Churches Bike & Hike.
Saturday 14th September: Harvest Supper
Sunday 15th September: Harvest Festival 10 am.
Friday 27th - Sunday 29th September: Walsingham Pilgrimage
Saturday 28th September: Jumble Sale
Sunday 6th October: Dedication Festival.
Saturday 2nd November: All Souls’ Day. Sung Requiem Eucharist 7:30 pm
Sunday 3rd November: Bereavement Group Service 3 pm.
Also: Patronal Festival Evensong at All Saints 6 pm??.
Saturday 9th November: Christmas Fair
Sunday 24th November: Christ the King.
Sunday 1st December: Advent Sunday. Advent Lunch
Wednesday 4th December; Carol Singing at the Station 5 pm approx.
Sunday 8th December: Messy activities 2 pm; Christingle 3 pm
Sunday 15th St Mary’s Carols 3 pm
Sunday 22nd December: Nine Lessons and Carols 6 pm
Tuesday 24th December: Crib Service 4 pm, Midnight Mass 11:30 pm
Wednesday 25th December: Christmas Day!!
DATES FOR PCC 2019: Please note, all meetings will begin at 7:30 pm:
24th January, 28th March, 23rd May, 18th July, 26th September, 28th November.
Sunday 6th January: The Epiphany.
Sunday 20th January: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service TBC.
Wednesday 6th March: Ash Wednesday
Saturday 2nd March: Jumble Sale
Sunday 10th March: Lent Lunch.
Saturday 23rd March. Milton Keynes Chorale concert.
Saturday 30th March. Leighton Buzzard Festival Singers Concert 7.30pm
Sunday 31st March: Mothering Sunday. BST BEGINS!!
Sunday 14th April: Palm Sunday.
Thursday 18th April: Maundy Thursday
Friday 19th April: Good Friday
Sunday 21st April: Easter Day. ‘Vigil’ Service with New Fire and readings at St Mary’s at 4:30 am. (Sunrise is 5:54 am)
Saturday 18th May: Grand Union Choir concert in Church.
Sunday 26th May: Rogationtide Procession (3 pm) and Evensong at St Mary’s (4:30 pm)
Thursday 30th May: Ascension Day.
30th May – 9th June: Thy Kingdom Come Week of Prayer.
Saturday 8th June: Summer Fair.
Sunday 9th June: Pentecost.
Tuesday 11th June: Patronal Festival Sung Eucharist 8 pm
Sunday 16th June: Trinity Sunday.
Thursday 20th June: Corpus Christi. Sung Eucharist and Benediction at 8 pm.
Saturday 22nd June: Saint Albanstide Festival in St Albans
Sunday 23rd June: Open Church Sunday? Cream Teas at St Mary's
Saturday 17th August: Patronal Festival Sung Eucharist at St Mary’s 12 noon followed by Picnic
Sunday 18th August: Evensong at St Mary’s 6 pm
Saturday 7th September: Beds & Herts Historic Churches Bike & Hike.
Saturday 14th September: Harvest Supper
Sunday 15th September: Harvest Festival 10 am.
Friday 27th - Sunday 29th September: Walsingham Pilgrimage
Saturday 28th September: Jumble Sale
Sunday 6th October: Dedication Festival.
Saturday 2nd November: All Souls’ Day. Sung Requiem Eucharist 7:30 pm
Sunday 3rd November: Bereavement Group Service 3 pm.
Also: Patronal Festival Evensong at All Saints 6 pm??.
Saturday 9th November: Christmas Fair
Sunday 24th November: Christ the King.
Sunday 1st December: Advent Sunday. Advent Lunch
Wednesday 4th December; Carol Singing at the Station 5 pm approx.
Sunday 8th December: Messy activities 2 pm; Christingle 3 pm
Sunday 15th St Mary’s Carols 3 pm
Sunday 22nd December: Nine Lessons and Carols 6 pm
Tuesday 24th December: Crib Service 4 pm, Midnight Mass 11:30 pm
Wednesday 25th December: Christmas Day!!
DATES FOR PCC 2019: Please note, all meetings will begin at 7:30 pm:
24th January, 28th March, 23rd May, 18th July, 26th September, 28th November.