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From Fr. Bernard
Hello All, and greetings, We are back in ‘green time’ for the next few weeks, in what the Church’s calendars and lectionaries call ‘ordinary time’. I never think that sounds quite right, but of course it means those parts of the year that are not in a season with an overriding theme of its own. This Sunday is just the fourth before Lent starts: it doesn’t have its own special identity. But that doesn’t make it unimportant, of course! This website hasthe order of service we will use for the next few weeks, as well as the Cross and Crown with its notices. On Sunday we will have our usual services, with Eucharists at 8 and 10 am and Evensong at 6 pm. In addition to those, the Leighton-Linslade Gala Orchestra will give a concert in Church at 3:30 pm, in aid of KidsOut. The theme is ‘Musical Valentines’, and it will be a short concert of romantic orchestral music including the 'Sleeping Beauty' waltz; music from 'La La Land'; and a medley of Bacharach songs. Tickets are £10 (under 18s free) available in advance online via (no booking fee) or at the door. See for further details. After the concert, there will be tea and cake in the hall, which is being organised by Ann Tracey. The proceeds of that will go to the Church, so we need volunteers to bake or donate cakes, which need to be brought to St Barnabas on Sunday morning, or arrive in the hall by 4 pm. Ann also needs a volunteer or two to help serve and clear up from around 4.30 ish. Please let her know if you can help. This week, there will be Eucharists at 9:30 am on Wednesday and 10 am on Thursday. The Standing Committee meets in the Saunders Room at 8 pm on Thursday evening. Next week is half term. Next week, the only services in Church will be Evening Prayer on Monday at 5 pm, and a Eucharist on Thursday morning at 10 am. Also, there will be NO 8 am Eucharist on Sunday the 23rd of February, and the celebrant and preacher at 10 am on that day will be Fr Paul Nicholson. At this point, I have a favour to ask. A while ago, a kind volunteer made a whole load of leaves for hanging on the prayer tree at the back of church, but I can’t remember who it was! The leaves are just cut out of light-coloured card, with a hole in one end. We have run out and need some more: would anyone like to volunteer to do some please?! On the subject of volunteers, we also need people to keep St Mary’s open on the 1st Sunday of May, June, July, August and September. We need at least two people available each afternoon to greet visitors and make cups of tea. If you want to know more talk to Ian Woodward or Nick Butler. I’ve also been asked to let you know that Fr Noel is leading a Retreat at Buckden Towers between the 2nd and the 4th of May. There are three spaces available for people from Linslade who would like to attend. The title of the retreat is ‘Patterns of prayer; ways of getting into silence’. The cost of the weekend is £130. For more information or to book a place please speak to Fr Noel. Lastly, some reminders: the spring Jumble Sale will be held in the Church hall on Saturday the 1st of March at 2 pm. Also, all those who write a report for the Annual Church Meetings need to start writing them now, including me! All reports need to have been sent to me for inclusion in the booklet by the end of February at the latest, please. Thank you, and God bless! Fr Bernard The Rev'd Dr B Minton Team Vicar of Linslade Ouzel Valley Team |